We're a group of makers shipping together. We help each other stay accountable and reach our goals.
👋 Join WIP to participate
check out small.chat, slaask or chatlio if you like using slack
i think drift offers a free plan now too if you're strapped on cash.
We're using Drift's free plan at #nowelizator (in combination with their iOS and Android apps for push notifications on the go) and it works like a charm 👌
@pugson Suggested www.intergram.xyz/ (free but requires setup).
👋 Join WIP to participate
check out small.chat, slaask or chatlio if you like using slack
i think drift offers a free plan now too if you're strapped on cash.
We're using Drift's free plan at #nowelizator (in combination with their iOS and Android apps for push notifications on the go) and it works like a charm 👌
@pugson Suggested www.intergram.xyz/ (free but requires setup).