
How do you make simple logos?

I want to create logos that combine two emojis 😄

Try using Figma and messing around with vectors. If you want to do something else, try:

If you're familiar with photoshop, you can buy an asset from Creativemarket (…) and customize it by yourself ✌️

Do not use PS, it gives you a pixel based result, which you can not scale if needed. Better to make your stuff in Illustrator, or even Sketch. The assets are then made in vector and are scalable to whatever size you want and need.

Than you for your feedback!
Sure, you are right. Logo should be in vector.

You can make vector shapes in Photoshop, and then export them as SVGs, too. (I’ve just researched it and discovered it. Probably I should use svg for the logo instead of png for my website!)

I recommended photoshop because it does many essentials things (photo editing, making illustrations, making simple vector things, etc), and relatively easy to use.
In my opinion, PS is a Swiss Army knife of graphic.

You can do a lot with Photoshop, but this is really not the best way to do so.

Photoshop is for photo's.
Illustrator is for illustrations.

But, if it works for you, that's fine. If you need any help with stuff like this, I am here to help.

Photoshop is for photo's. Illustrator is for illustrations.
Yes, What you said totally right. Photoshop is not made for vectors. When you want to have professional looking logos, you must go with illustrator. This is a must-choice.
(I acknowledge that well too because I live from illustration 😄)

That’s having said, My answer was for “what would be the best solution to make a simple logo for non-graphic designer startups”
Probably being Adobe products might be already overkill.
So let me list Affinity Designer as an alternative here.

I might be wrong, but after all, when the product become bigger than yourself, it’s time to get a professional looking logo. Until then, logo can be almost anything.

By the way, thank you for kind comment about helping me about design. I will ask you a question when I have a problem with Adobe illustrator :D

Totally right. Step away from Adobe when you are not will willing to make a job out of design it self.
Sketch of Gravit Design (it is even free) is a better choice.

Illustrator, always. But I am a designer, so I do these things for living.