
Discord community

Almost all companies in the same space as Melies have Discord communities.

I'm not a big fan of Discord, but it seems to be the go to and probably a good way to get more users, and build a community where people already are.

  1. Have you already opened a Discord community?
  2. How to make sure it's active when you launch it? How do you handle moderation?
  3. Any tips in managing/growing it?

@ben has a product to help with moderation!

I've created a Discord community, but I really don't like the platform so I shut it down and moved to Telegram. I'm in a few Discord servers, though, and I just turn off notifications because it's too feral otherwise. There's always that risk of people muting notifications to get peace, which means people might be less active if they forget the server exists.

To make sure it's active for launch:

  • start inviting people sooner than the official launch
  • start conversations so there's something in there already for people to do
  • incentivize them to come back regularly
  • reward them for growing the community
  • plan an actual Launch Event to kick it off (after you've invited people to give them a time to get settled)
  • plan to put in a lot of effort in the beginning til members take over

I can help with more general community growth & engagement since I help my own clients do this, but it wouldn't be Discord specific.

Hey there - first, thank you to @thecatstickler for the mention.

I have a product to help with chat moderation on discord, telegram, x, and reddit: #watchdog

Now to answer your questions:
1. Yes
2. I promoted it on active subreddits and in the video game it was related to (I used to run a fairly successful Rust game server)
3. Be active, respond to new members immediately and make them feel welcome. Make sure you’re doing whatever your community is related to all the time - mine was related to the video game Rust, so I made sure my discord status was always online in Rust. I did some other things like offering giveaways to people who invited the most members etc.