
Anyone use Patreon?

I am considering connecting Patreon to an app I’m building. The app is a reading/book tracking community. Instead of asking users to subscribe, I want to call the paid users “Backer”, “Supporter” or “Pro” and have them involved in future features. 

Any glaring issues you may think of? Anyone have a Patreon community?

Perhaps you can reach out to people from here using our DM feature:

But I think best to just try it out and see what happens. It's easy to overthink these things

I've used Patreon in the past for nearly 10 years, and I was considering going back to them for my creative studio (video games, books, ttrpgs, etc.) but decided to opt for Ko-Fi instead. I liked that there's an option for people to give a one-off tip and that Ko-Fi doesn't take as much as Patreon. (And I liked that there's a shop feature on Ko-Fi to sell products and get commissions, and I don't think Patreon has that.)

I still think Patreon is a great option, especially since a lot of people use it and know about it. The only thing I can think of is if you want to keep more of the money you make, you might want to choose another platform.

(PS Ko-Fi also has tiered memberships as well, and you can choose the audience for each post: free & various tiers.)

I agree with Marc, though. Try it out. If it doesn't work, adjust.

As far as your tier names, I'd be happy to suggest different ones if you wanted more bookish names. I'm an author, editor, and obsessive reader who loves reading communities.

I'm thinking names like bibliophile, scribe, bookworm, and/or librarian.

Love the feedback. As the community is developed, I’ll be sure to reach out.

Fantastic! Send a message anytime.

Created Patreon for my project in June 2024, so far so good, got 29 paid patrons
