Josef Strzibny
I have a Macbook M2 now and for me it does everything I do very well. It's lighter too and will save you a bunch of money. But in general yes, look at other professionals, sometimes they need way more expensive equipment. We are lucky to really need a single laptop.
As a European I completely agree with the moral decline, it was imported rather quickly from the US. And US at least kept a freedom of speech. Look at Scotlands new law, it's only a downhill from there.
I’m a European too. Lived here since tiny baby, now kinda old… 😂
It is so sad. The US has a few states like that, such as California and New York. But Europe, we’ve had many countries like that for decades. Sweden is a great example. And they are using the EU to force everyone to become like Sweden. Mass immigration, high tax (wastefully utilised), woke.
I use my own #businessclass so I have there Stripe + Paddle subscriptions, deployment with Kamal, blog, and many small cool things.
You are in a perfect position to be in. You get traffic and even registrations. This means you can experiment and find what works. Many would be happy in your position, keep going!
You might have better luck asking on Nuxt specific forums, not sure how many Nuxt users are here :)
Ok I understand but when you launch your mvp, what template you use?
I use my own #businessclass so I have there Stripe + Paddle subscriptions, deployment with Kamal, blog, and many small cool things.
If you are upgrading, upgrade properly and get a new one. Laptop lasts 5-6 years for me.