Pug Pugson
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Some of my bucket list:

  • Go scuba diving to see a coral reef

  • Visit Japan

  • Gamble in a casino

  • Stand under a waterfall

Word of mouth and through friends. Hang around Twitter and there's always someone looking for a dev for some quick jobs.

If it's a free product and they fit the target demographic then why not.

Here's a workflow that I've used on dev teams from 2 to 10 people:

  • Mondays: weekly planning meetings to set goals & discuss things (30 minutes max)
  • Log tasks to Trello in proper columns (Backlog / This Week / In Progress / Review / Deployed)
  • Once you're working on something, assign the card to yourself on Trello and move it to the In Progress column.
  • Push your code to GitHub and open a PR when you're ready for review or for hand-off to another developer.
  • Customize your labels in GitHub and use them well. Make one red label for WIP — DON'T MERGE and tag your PRs that are not ready to avoid confusion. I liked having a Ready for front-end, Ready for back-end, and Help needed! label for hand-offs.
  • Daily: very quick standups over video/audio call. I mean quick, 10-15 minutes max. Try to limit the agenda to 3 minutes per person. Discuss what you've done the previous day (same day if timezone diff) and what you're working on today. Keep other conversations or follow-ups to Slack DMs or channels.
  • Have another Trello board for ideas that are not priorities in the next 3 or 4+ weeks to keep your focus clear on the main dev board. Move those to the main board if you decide to work on them.
  • Push often and rebase often. Nothing's worse than having to resolve conflicts for an hour or more.
  • Use feature toggles in production, if possible, that don't require deploys to turn them on/off.

Be honest, be humble, don't be afraid to be wrong. Talk with your team and collaborate on ideas, solutions, and implementation. If you're a manager know when to have final say on things and when to let other people take some things over. Don't have cocky underestimates because then the roadmap falls apart and everyone is disappointed.

There was one with no config. Forgot what it was called though. Feather?