Matt Spear

Matt Spear


πŸ“± Curious iOS dev & full-stack tinkerer πŸ€– Exploring AI + AR 🌏 Nomad πŸ“š Maker, learner, helper 🀝 Let's build & learn together! πŸš€
Joined April 2023

No worries!

On the notarised stuff, I think its worth it even if installed outside of the store because it ends up looking way more professional and removes friction for the security conscious :)

I think for 15% you might need to apply for the small business program (and be <$1 million revenue):…

Otherwise it is 30% commission ☠️ AFAIK

One other perk of the developer membership that is less know / useful – code level support via DTS (developer technical support) team

wow, thanks for sharing!

No worries!

On the notarised stuff, I think its worth it even if installed outside of the store because it ends up looking way more professional and removes friction for the security conscious :)

I've done this – but I used the graphQL api that is being deprecated and I'll need to replace it.

I love having widgets, mine just revalidates on a daily basis (when someone load the site):


Replace wip_sk_FOOBAR with an API key from

You'll also want to keep an eye on the Vercel functions Max duration which on the Hobby plan is 10s and even if you upgrade I think you'll need to specify if you want longer:…

I ran into this a ton when running longer AI tasks / calling out to external serviced and had to create a webhook system πŸ™ƒ

Ahh yeah the JSON view? on the url:<id>

That's just the update page I never built out!

I believe so yes. Just sent you a screenshot on email.

Yeah super cool, I built and had a tiny wins app on the backburner and love the process of on a monthly basis checking up on my wins, sharing them and encouraging others to do the same!

I just tried your app.. LOVE it! So neat the idea of specificying a KPI at the start of a goal. That's neat. Feature request: allow me to setup multiple KPIs (small wins) for every goal

Bug? When I update a progress item and click update, I see code

Ohh I'll take a look, not actively worked on the app in quite a while 😱

Ahh yeah the JSON view? on the url:<id>

That's just the update page I never built out!

I believe so yes. Just sent you a screenshot on email.

Ahh yeah I just pulled that list from some of my mentoring work, I did think of a Swift specific resource that might be good though:… this site helps you pick up new languages quickly with a single file from simple to complex concepts including language feature πŸš€

I don't check X messages so much / get quite a bit of spam – I've got telegram on my profile might be better!

I do iOS / Swift development πŸ“± – can't think of a bootcamp!

I recommend breaking up your learning into areas:
- Programming (core concepts e.g functions, loops, if else...)
- Language (specific features e.g struct in Swift...)
- Framework (the tools built on top e.g SwiftUI for iOS apps...)
- App Development (process of joining the parts, e.g architectures...)

I've collected some resources here (lil old but still relevant):

Would highlight:
- Stanford iOS Course
- A Best-in-Class iOS App by Jordan Morgan
- 100 days of Swift / Swift UI
- Apple's Introducing SwiftUI tutorial

Would be great to hear how you get on, which route you take to learn!

Feel free to drop me a message if you run into any problems πŸš€

Amazing! Thanks Matt! Will have a look. Functions, loops is no problem for me. I have done plenty of PHP stuff over the years and been "hacking" since the 90's. Swift is new though. Whats the best way to DM you if I have questions? X?

Ahh yeah I just pulled that list from some of my mentoring work, I did think of a Swift specific resource that might be good though:… this site helps you pick up new languages quickly with a single file from simple to complex concepts including language feature πŸš€

I don't check X messages so much / get quite a bit of spam – I've got telegram on my profile might be better!

Ha! Well would you look at that Love what you wrote Matt. Thats what I'm working on:

Yeah super cool, I built and had a tiny wins app on the backburner and love the process of on a monthly basis checking up on my wins, sharing them and encouraging others to do the same!

I just tried your app.. LOVE it! So neat the idea of specificying a KPI at the start of a goal. That's neat. Feature request: allow me to setup multiple KPIs (small wins) for every goal

Bug? When I update a progress item and click update, I see code

Ohh I'll take a look, not actively worked on the app in quite a while 😱

Ahh yeah the JSON view? on the url:<id>

That's just the update page I never built out!

I believe so yes. Just sent you a screenshot on email.
