Marcin Doliwa

Marcin Doliwa


Father of 3, RoR developer by day, building side projects by night. Used to play poker for a living for about 10 years.
Joined February 2024

The last one sounds like a nice idea. What comes to my mind:
- Which other makers could be potential users of my product
- Which other maker have product that is complementary to the one I'm building.

by the last one I meant one before last :)

  1. Goal: Earn my first dollar with an online project.

  2. Inverted Goal: Earn no money with online projects.

  3. Achieve the Inverted Goal (from experience):
    Start a new project, and when it's 80% done, switch to a new, "better" idea. Alternatively, finish the project, submit a "Show HN" post, realize I have no idea how to achieve distribution, and repeat.

  4. Achieve the Actual Goal:
    Start a new project only when I have a plan for distribution and monetization.
    Cut the scope so I can finish it before I start losing motivation or find a new shiny idea.

I bought it when they published it, but read it once again and with your tips of checking sites that I like and some Refactoring UI recommendations I updated the design, and I like it a lot now :) Thanks.