Marcin Doliwa

Marcin Doliwa


Father of 3, RoR developer by day, building side projects by night. Used to play poker for a living for about 10 years.
Joined February 2024

My dream project is building a artificial world, probably some grid with artificial organisms similar concept to "core wars" with evolution mix. The goal initially would be to direct evolution to solve some simple problems, then go full on in SETI like mode and create global AGI that is not LLM based :)

Probably it won't work, but I'd like to try :)

What if we're already an artificial world and the artificial world you build becomes self aware and breaks out by gaining control of the devices/machines that control it then it finds a way to break out of our reality?!

The last one sounds like a nice idea. What comes to my mind:
- Which other makers could be potential users of my product
- Which other maker have product that is complementary to the one I'm building.

by the last one I meant one before last :)

  1. Goal: Earn my first dollar with an online project.

  2. Inverted Goal: Earn no money with online projects.

  3. Achieve the Inverted Goal (from experience):
    Start a new project, and when it's 80% done, switch to a new, "better" idea. Alternatively, finish the project, submit a "Show HN" post, realize I have no idea how to achieve distribution, and repeat.

  4. Achieve the Actual Goal:
    Start a new project only when I have a plan for distribution and monetization.
    Cut the scope so I can finish it before I start losing motivation or find a new shiny idea.

I bought it when they published it, but read it once again and with your tips of checking sites that I like and some Refactoring UI recommendations I updated the design, and I like it a lot now :) Thanks.