Travis Mathis
Travis Mathis
20+ year engineer looking to make it on his own.
$0 to $10k/MRR Challenge:
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$0 to $10k/MRR Challenge:
🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ $10k MRR
You can use claude 3.5 to build with SvelteLaunch yes. I do it all the time. It understands Svelte + Tailwindcss + ShadCN very very well.
Most of what you see front end wise in #datamachine was built with SvelteLaunch + Claude 3.5/Cursor
I've been using Plausible trying to get away from the usual GA path and have been very happy with it. Google Analytics was slowing my page down.
Crypto projects that I had worked on. I'd rather keep which specific projects personal though.
And no I hadn't, I like the UI for how it puts the classes together. However, My Yogi is more focused on managing Yoga Sequences for instructors. A place for them to keep their notes, cues, breath counts etc.
I don't actually do yoga, it was for my wife :)
Will do! Great idea, I'll start including that info.