Tom Mikulin
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got up at 3 am in the morning, cause I couldn't sleep
For all those who think that it's always sunny in Croatia, this morning we had -6 Celsius, snow coming along
looking through my nginx logs on #devopsprojectshq and finding what people are really searching for
add more clarification on the about page on #devopsprojectshq
work on my AI generated blog to make them less suck on #devopsprojectshq
learn about SEO from my new bought course, woo hoo!
removed black fridays deals on #devopsprojectshq
I'm using stackoverflow less, but I'm still using it. Anyone else?
add some effect to new jobs on #devopsprojectshq
another arm day + some leg extensions #life
I really doubut they cook up AGI at openai since chatgpt can't calculate my calories right lol