Paulina Sáez

Paulina Sáez


Curious tinkerer and digital artisan.
Joined August 2023
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Get past issue cross-posted on Kenny Alami's newsletter #upgroves
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Bought a new domain to build a local website
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Every day is leg day
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Schedule tomorrow's issue of the newsletter #upgroves
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Update newsletter signature to promote consultation services and tools #upgroves
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Evening walk
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Finish last draft of tomorrow's newsletter edition. I'm finally not doing it last minute! #upgroves
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Publish latest edition of Brain Tickles "Relaxed Authentications"…
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Research for upcoming newsletter issue #upgroves
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Build a Content Repurposing Examples database to share as a standalone Notion template #upgroves
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Afternoon at the beach
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Lunch with the Koh Tao digital nomad group
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Create a new account at Gumroad using the upgroves mail to standardize emails across newsletter and gumroad products #upgroves
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Set up Gumroad payments. I'll have to go with PayPal (which doesn't provide services in Thailand) because Stripe is still not supported here. #upgroves
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Weightlifting at the gym. Realized I was doing the cable abduction wrong and now I can do less reps
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Transfer domain to new hosting, waiting for the SSL certificate to be activated #upgroves
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Set up articles page #upgroves
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Ask for feedback on the copy and the design of the new products on the Small Bets community #upgroves
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Publish 3 tools as free products on Gumroad #upgroves
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Do a second co-working streaming session because the last one was so productive
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