Similar todos
prismaBindings are connecting the node.js application, make queries from the local server #cannaboard
set up graphql-yoga server and bind it to prisma db
add prisma.js file to src foolder in prisma-server folder: (where we store everything required to connect our node.js to the prisma graphqlQl API) #cannaboard
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
create backend for servers #spectate
create basic backend #smartypantsbot
connect PostgresQL db to GraphQL Server via PRISMA #cannaboard
set up prisma DB
Setup basic files for graphql and prisma #unnam
convert backend to typescript #promptmize
Hook Next.js into Prisma #appointer
deploy backend 1.0.4 #userchatdevops
setup boilerplate for graphql backerd
get server side auth working with nextjs + apollo #wagpage
plan backend functions #shipr