Similar todos
fix cookie cache for lost password links #artistsatscale
added redirect to functions.php for logged in users when visitng /login #artistsatscale
finalize /login and /register #artistsatscale
added redirect if user tries to visit login page and is already logged in #artistsatscale
added total site redirect to login for non members to functions.php #artistsatscale
setup admin redirect for non admins #artistsatscale
changed login page username field to email #artistsatscale
login/register page #everartists
created /login v2 #artistsatscale
fix 404 page #artistsatscale
restricted username and hid username field with RCP via functions.php/custom.css #artistsatscale
disabled links on coming soon features #artistsatscale
optimize login page #keylogs
restyled 404 page #artistsatscale
Finish register/sign-in pages #hellohailey
restyled /login #artistsatscale
restyled /login #artistsatscale
restyled /login #artistsatscale
redirect 404 to homepage #artistsatscale