Similar todos
disable cache on admin/login/register/lost password pages #artistsatscale
added total site redirect to login for non members to functions.php #artistsatscale
changed login page username field to email #artistsatscale
added redirect if user tries to visit login page and is already logged in #artistsatscale
added redirect to functions.php for logged in users when visitng /login #artistsatscale
login link cookie issue
fix 404 page #artistsatscale
finalize /login and /register #artistsatscale
change password reset terminology from username to email #artistsatscale
signed up for lastpass #artistsatscale
fix /settings hash url for billing history page #artistsatscale
fix login cookie time + remember me
changed lastpass to 1password for better ux #artistscale
restyled 404 page #artistsatscale
fixed cookie handling #vansecrets
installed breeze for caching #artistsatscale
Fix cookies issue #brandtools
created /login v2 #artistsatscale