Similar todos
🤷 upgrade cjs-task
#me 🤷 cjs-task: subtask
#me ⚡ cjs-task: automatically catch errors in steps and end task
[bugfix] delete executed steps in cjs-task
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: task-start
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: task-end
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: import cjs-sync-hooks
#me 🎉 cjs-yield v1.0.0
#me 🤷 cjs-task: pluggable mode
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: step-start
#me ⚡ cjs-yield: improve readme
updated task ui #ludere
⚡ task.stats tests
JS for all elements of new tasks tabs #oneclicktest
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: step-created
add task to canny #indiemakers
complete CTF task
push updates live #taskcrunch
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: step-end