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send quote to BigCo #cubome
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increase hourly rate #consultancy
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receive call from BigCo subsidiary asking for a quote #cubome
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send a big deal offer by email #thundercontent
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send cold email to Big Co. #chamados
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followup with BigCo #cubome
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Review contract offer by BigAss Client, Inc. #contracting
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add preferred hourly rate (but test it because @andreasklinger says you attract low quality gig workers with it) #remoteworkers
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#contracting Send out offer to client
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Send email to MidSized Client Ltd. that wants to hire me that I'm kind of in a thing with BigAss Client, Inc. for the rest of the year but that I'm happy to do consulting for EUR 75/hr and that we can talk about increased work loads starting in January 2019 #contracting
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send pricing proposal to client #addison
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send proposal to potential big client
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send cold email to BigCo director #chamados
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send proposal to BigPotentialClient
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Get a new offer to work on #pl
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Finally increase hourly rate because of inflation #freelance
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Write concept email to customers in order to ditch all monthly plans and work exclusively for hourly rate #webdev
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#contracting Inform clients accounting department of new contracting rate and ask them to send the remaining ~1k
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#contracting negotiate new quarterly rate for main contract]
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Send offer to long-term clients #life
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