Similar todos
🔨 updated import_places to include county and fix a city bug
🐘 updated Places to support country flags along with admin and import_places
📝 Update Place importer to add additional fields along with lat+lng #conf
🔨 added Place.parent_place support to the admin
🔨 re-import place data
👷 updated place imports to match dues better. #conf
🐛 fixed/updated import_places tests
updated importer to add location support
✅ re-importing all of my place data
🐘 added default JSONField value to avoid importer errors
🐛 fixed a bug in my import_places scraper.
📦 re-imported 1314 places
developers updates #fajarsiddiq
✨ adds two place importers/scrapers
added places, create, update, and a bunch of other import options to my race scraper
updated existing importer to include topics with events #conf
🔨 Updates import_events to accept a source folder
updated a half dozen+ #lfk places
🐘 updated Places model to support city, state/region, and country (still need to figure out how to regionalize these)