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after a day off because feeling sick-ish and slight ear-pain I had an extended session today (but focussing only on style of delivery to perfect it) with a new recording setup: Sennheiser MKH 416, Pop audio pop filter, Shock mount by Rycote and Focusrite 2i2 mixer - is another level. Also I gave my recording environment a bit more room while still treating it with acoustic foam. #mictime #stolenvoice
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long training session today in a new setup with better acoustic treatment (way better sound quality) - will try to improve it step by step #stolenvoice
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got an overview of the postproduction process (bit of a repition like - EQ - Compression - Normalisation - De-Essing - Limiting - Insert Effects - Send & Return Effects but that's ok); started the advanced voiceover course to get from my intermediate level to a pro level which included today: to warm up nicely and full-body, going to extremes (ultra low pitch, ultra high pitch, mixture of both and going over the top with a caricature performance) - my voice felt like the strings of a guitar today when I practiced #stolenvoice
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worked on my improvised home-recording setup, practiced more commercial scripts #stolenvoice
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practiced the commercial script ("All The Towers" theme park) and liked some aspects of my performance, but not everything, especially that clipping occured. Can't wait for my new mic + mixer to arrive so I can regulate the gain level better. #mictime #stolenvoice
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revamped my studio with more acoustic foam inside the cupboard and made the work surface in the studio plain. Also fixed the blanket so now they're all the time at a fixed location. Makes a quick recording more straight forward. #hip
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rehearse-recorded the Studio List script and realized that my new recording setup has too much room echo. So, gotta have to work on reducing the noise before I can make proper recordings for the reel. Also abandoned Reaper as my DAW/recording software (it’s just a PITA to use it for me) and choose PreSonus Studio One Prime instead #stolenvoice
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installed and tried Audacity in my recording studio to make progress with my commercial demo reel (recorded studiolist script and compressed and normalized it, send it out to review the performance and quality) #stolenvoice
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refined and finalized the last 4 commercial scripts. Finally I brought this to an end. According to my process rehearing is what’ll follow tomorrow (and audio recording them after). Wish me success! #stolenvoice
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another extensive recording session on the mic recording a commercial script and my first reading-out loud session to start developing my hybrid voice (hybrid because I want to unite my writing and speaking voice to one) #stolenvoice #mictime
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spent a full work day finishing the course on my home-recording studio setup, starting the drip on the home studio, started and completed the course on improving my casting chances, and practiced the one commercial radio script that I want to home-run to perfection #stolenvoice
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had another #mictime session with some progress but still wasn't happy with the performance (it's a tricky one because I try to combine a calm, conversational tone with a mix of fear and joy). So that's work in progress 😉 #stolenvoice
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practiced Baby Bubble Bath commercial script (happy, bit playful style) but experienced (like yesterday) that at a high volume gain I had super audible mouth clicks in the recording (a sign of dehydration) which means in consequence that the recordings of today and yesterday I wouldn’t be able to use. #stolenvoice
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crafted the new recording environment with new (awesome!!!) gear: Sennheiser MKH 416, Pop audio pop filter, Shock mount by Rycote holding the mic (whereas the shock mount is attached to a Manfrotto tripod) and Focusrite 2i2 mixer. Best recording quality I ever had. Now, only my delivery can suck or better don't 😛 - oh happy day ^^ #stolenvoice
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another voiceover practice session (tomorrow I'll dive into more theoretic work again to improve my practicing practice) #stolenvoice
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built (improvised) my 1st home-recording studio: it's the classic wardrobe that I find the best solution for now. Audio test still to be done #stolenvoice
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another revision of the studiolist script recording for my commercial demo reel #stolenvoice
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Shitty 1h recording session. Spent 40 minutes only configuring again PreSonus Studio One (the solution was easy in the end) and had only 20 minutes for the scripts itself which is when I didn't feel like voicing anymore and felt how tired I was as well. Calling it a day. #stolenvoice
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finished the advanced VO course (doing post-production, working with directors, client-work remotely, physical and vocal health) #stolenvoice
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another iteration for the recording of script 1/7 of my commercial demo reel, awaiting the feedback on the artistic performance level and the technical audio quality - making little progress while having fun in the studio imitating monkey because heck the script is about jungle and rainforest *haha* #stolenvoice
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