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got an overview of the postproduction process (bit of a repition like - EQ - Compression - Normalisation - De-Essing - Limiting - Insert Effects - Send & Return Effects but that's ok); started the advanced voiceover course to get from my intermediate level to a pro level which included today: to warm up nicely and full-body, going to extremes (ultra low pitch, ultra high pitch, mixture of both and going over the top with a caricature performance) - my voice felt like the strings of a guitar today when I practiced #stolenvoice
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had first day of practicing voiceover daily - voice was a bit „in a bucket“ (in German it makes sense to say it ^^) #stolenvoice
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worked on my improvised home-recording setup, practiced more commercial scripts #stolenvoice
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another extensive recording session on the mic recording a commercial script and my first reading-out loud session to start developing my hybrid voice (hybrid because I want to unite my writing and speaking voice to one) #stolenvoice #mictime
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recorded 10 scripts (commercial, character, corporate, narration) for practing purpose and feedback #stolenvoice
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had another #mictime session with some progress but still wasn't happy with the performance (it's a tricky one because I try to combine a calm, conversational tone with a mix of fear and joy). So that's work in progress 😉 #stolenvoice
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long training session today in a new setup with better acoustic treatment (way better sound quality) - will try to improve it step by step #stolenvoice
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continued learning on Self-Direction for Voiceover Artists #stolenvoice
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started with how to voice commercials course and practiced that one script I’ve been dealing with for some time now (I’m still not satisfied especially with the my timing of the screams and some pronunciation) - wanting to improve but I know it’s a process that takes time #stolenvoice
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attended voiceover mentoring especially with regard to auditioning #stolenvoice
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refined and finalized the last 4 commercial scripts. Finally I brought this to an end. According to my process rehearing is what’ll follow tomorrow (and audio recording them after). Wish me success! #stolenvoice
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finished editing part 1 (day 1 out of 4) of my time at the London voiceover conference #stolenvoice
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finished the Character Acting for Voiceovers course (module 12 to 23 in five hours) #stolenvoice
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learned about the casting process and getting work as a VO, the preferance for custom demos or custom clips for the casting, and that success as a VO means to practice a lot (!) and learn tons. Did a light refreshment of a sound theory: e.g. difference of dynamic mics and condenser mics, sample rate, bit rate #stolenvoice
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continued voiceover course (cabling, audio interfaces, hardware, recordings software) #stolenvoice
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learned about more advanced humanisation techniques (non-scripted humane sounds), breathing techniques (e.g. staccato breathe) and de-breathing methods, handling commercial copy, the challenges when self-directing and self-analysis, controlling the mic (e.g. bass proximity effect) #stolenvoice
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Thursday confession what I got done in my voiceover biz #stolenvoice
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finished the advanced VO course (doing post-production, working with directors, client-work remotely, physical and vocal health) #stolenvoice
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attended a mentoring session on voiceover - helpful for my next biz steps and goal-setting #stolenvoice
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today's mic time was only 10 minutes long because I practice late and shouting in the mic at night in a non-acoustically treated room is not a good idea if I want my neighbors to be friendly to me 😉 - so I used the rest of the time doing the course on character acting and I learned about the 7 keys to characterization #stolenvoice
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