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Get landing page data from firestore
1.0: Looking into fetching data from an external API #securedfyi
Deploy working function that fetches recent vaccination/case data every morning and writes it to Firestore #diagram
Setup Firebase Cloud Firestore & some proof of concept work #donut
Refactor more API code #fashn
Persist fetched data on redux #devhub
Rewrite fetch with async await #sp
#tapslock update Firebase integration
add new appointments to Cloud Firestore instead of Firebase database #appointmentsuite
Refactor client code #t4f
Try and make Heroku backend talk nicely with Firebase Firestore
migrate from firebase to mongodb
Restructure compose send using fetch api #dispatch
Obtain suggested interests from Firestore rather than hardcoded #sparkly
improve slack integration by fetching channels over API instead of leaning on the user to fill it in, also use channel IDs instead of names to prevent breaking alerts when channel is renamed #spectate
Export data from firebase to mongodb #fun