Similar todos
bb: add help message in msg center when user has no bookings/is not a customer yet
bb: booking changes by customer, change msg color in bb thread
bb: show designer name in upcooming bookings
bb: locked booking -> send user to chat
bb show messages in web version
bb app edit booking: add small info button next to customer selection to show current customer details
add booking button #mapmelon
bb: locked bookings
bb app: customer info button: add button for
"send chat msg"
bb: locked booking server check
bb: monthly list: add phone + chat msg buttons
show message after payment
bb: designer edit booking: waiting list & locked on/off (action sheet)
bb app: switch designer in booking, switch services
bb: customer details phone button
bb: when pressing notification, open chat
show waiting list bookings by default, remove button
bb: add dummy chat msgs in demo account
bb: existing booking, assistant already selected, change service: need to check time logic
bb web: booking history