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walked 5km (but it was Friday, Feb 16) 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: Clearly slower than yesterday but still faster than usual - no big thoughts only the idea that my artist’s name I want keep (so iian will survive) #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,5 min - average speed: 6,55 km/h - remarks: Again super slow in terms of average speed. Knees feeling fine cos I had bike training today already. Though I’m not walking to be fast I want to increase the speed to at least reach more than 7 km/h as average speed. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 20,5 min - average speed: 5,27 km/h - remarks: A very slow walk mainly thinking whether a Dr. or PhD could be an option once I’m financially „settled“ - the topic I’d chose to research on would be obviously „The role of identity in the digital age“ #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,75 min - average speed: 7,02 km/h - remarks: Super confused in my head I was before the walk; after I now have more clarity. Not having dumped my thoughts for more than 4 weeks clearly shows that stuff has aggregated in my head. Not happy about it but working on improving it. One outcome is: I hope to concentrate on building things (products, stories, books, etc.) rather than serving people through my services. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,25 min - average speed: 7,27 km/h - remarks: 2nd time with that time (3rd fastest walk in total). Knee pain close to non-existent probably because of the cleaning job I had before. Had many thoughts crossing my mind - mind was uncalm „AF“ (as the youngsters say). Thought a lot about my decision to go all-in on voice-over and I like the commitment. Let’s see if I can meet my personal goal (entering the acting world through voiceover) with my economic goals (not be broke) *haha* #health
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home-biked 30 minutes plus walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,5 min - average speed: 7,41 km/h - remarks: Wild (uncalm) thoughts with the conclusion that I will have a small-scale sabbatical next for 7 days to relax and spend time on (also non-business) projects I neglected in the last weeks - and maybe start doing meditation, maybe - fastest walk this week! #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,5 min - average speed: 7,06 km/h - remarks: feeling a bit stressed because I have a social appointment of a few hours plus day 3 delivery for the studiolist project and the next lesson to deliver for freewritecamp, I hope to enjoy the social thing despite the pressure of tasks #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,75 min - average speed: 7,19 km/h - remarks: as always the act of walking is my best friend, helping me by giving answers and clearing up my head. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,5 min - average speed: 7,06 km/h - remarks: Had two quick ideas that I noted down after the walk, the walk itself was fine. Knees felt smooth and my legs were still under the „used“ influence of my HIIT session on Tuesday (two days ago) *nice* #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43,25 min - average speed: 6,94 km/h - remarks: walked directly after I returned from cleaning job - so I was physically tired obviously #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 39,25 min - average speed: 7,64 km/h - remarks: by far the fastest 5k so far; and I really made an effort to be fast this time because I wanted to check this walk for today. And I think I could even be faster because walking the stairs up and down takes at least 20 seconds. In terms of thoughts only a good feeling that I made more little progress in terms of voiceover, feels actually very good. Apart from that no big other thoughts. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 18 min - average speed: 6 km/h - remarks: Good and refreshing 10pm night walk with flip-flops and only some travel-related thoughts (Madagascar) and the enjoyment of the Sichelmond (moon shaped as crescent). #health
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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 19 min - average speed: 5,68 km/h - remarks: Super weather, blue sky, about 28 degrees centigrade, very enjoyable and that combined with a great catch-up call with a business friend after - awesome. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,25 min - average speed: 6,65 km/h - remarks: No organized or clear thoughts, only randomly about being in Madagascar later this year in my offline time. Right knee is fine, left knee has some pinching. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,25 min - average speed: 7,27 km/h - remarks: Fantastically cold again. No clear thoughts only some fragments like how one of my best friends just (literally) mastered his studies with a 1,0 in his final colloquium. Awesome! And I went through some random scenes in my head where I would play a certain character. Character play and identity research gain more popularity in my world, it’s fun and fascinating to play with roles, stereotypes and character types. But the danger is to get lost in a character, if you don’t reset yourself regularly - I’d assume. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,75 min - average speed: 6,45 km/h - remarks: Knees kind of ok, only some small pinching in the right knee when doing sudden movements. Thought about the benefit of voiceover: it facilitates expressing emotions that I normally wouldn’t feel or express or at least not in the intensity. So, VO a School of Emotion? Yes, something like that. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 17 min - average speed: 6,35 km/h - remarks: Again slower today but that’s ok. Especially the right knee is causing trouble when contracted and the left knee when making sudden moves. Will try actions that are more mellow to the knee. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 47 min - average speed: 6,38 km/h - remarks: took old clothes to clothes collection (Humana), met old soccer colleague (and talked) and created the „donkey bridge“ (Eselsbrücke) „stolen-focus-death-2go“ to remember what I thought of during walking and take notes after when back at the computer #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,75 min - average speed: 7,02 km/h - remarks: pretty slow compared to yesterday and the days before. Contemplated a lot about soccer, and missing to play soccer about missed chances in life - feeling a bit sentimental. Nothing to worry but important to acknowledge that today’s meeting with one of my most important friends in my childhood and teenage yesterday got me thinking and encourages me go after what I wanna do with my life - now more than ever. That means to pursue what I’m doing now and stick to my gut feeling, really listen to what Mr. Gut tells me. Life can be terrible if you never release your thoughts and transform them into action. You can feel like a prisoner caught in your self - horrible. That’s why taking action, getting things going, even only talking about them and taking those walks (that I’ve been doing for some weeks now) helps to break free from this cage and farewell it with a mixture of middle finger and a hug. Contradiction? Totally, but that’s life in general. As far as I’m concerned. #health
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walked 20km 🏃 - time: 190 min - average speed: 6,32 km/h - remarks: Long walk on Sunday as part of my Sunday artist date, awesome feeling afterwards especially knowing that I endured the distance and walked only a little more than 3 hours while taking photos and audio-record on the fly. #health
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