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Allow deletion of connections #wipbadge
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create github badge for WIP
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Put webhook for connections at wipbadge subdomain #wipbadge
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Add processing and template string for Github labels #wipbadge [enhancement, good first issue]
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Add How To guide explaining how to add a Connection #wipbadge
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add backlog badge #filepond GitHub page.
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Create and connect GitHub repo #stronger
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Allow users to construct a transform string for translating a Github issue to WIP todo #wipbadge
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Use users WIP auth token when creating todo #wipbadge
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create first badge
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Added background worker to handle data from Git webhook #wipbadge
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Show connection stats in list #wipbadge
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Set up webhook endpoint and test it #wipbadge
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Setup WIP + GitHub app integration [anarkioteam/habitcop#13] #habitcop
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Add option to add your GitHub link to your WIP profile #wip h/t @marekbrze
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Add How To guide for adding Webhook #wipbadge
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Save WIP issue info in DB when created for first time #wipbadge
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create #hapramp github org
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Create todo on WIP via API [anarkioteam/wip-x-github#1] #wipxgh
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Test integration #eatmore
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