Similar todos
sync email from guest order to session #klarnacraft
Contact first three guests #query
#sheet2site check if customer had free plan
message customers about recent orders #valenciana
get first #jesthandbook pre-order
message buyers from last week to check-in on their orders #valenciana
fixed multi-directional request detection on guest profile visit #skillmap
write tests for deliveries table to verify recipients are queued up only once #newsletty
first paying customer prep #theportal
receive emails from two hotels that my early check-in is granted #travel
get second customer 😄
add order email notifications for customers and chefs #ygl
ticket unique code -> checkin logic #tioticket
Take guest to sign up page instead of showing "login required" when trying to check-in #nosugartoday
add pre orderers to database #flyingdutch