Similar todos
read about MySQL master-master replication with Galera #life
configure DB replication for #jasp
Work on logical replication system for #indiepg
configuration DB replication
#cm change to cluster mode (running #ofOfCores instances on server) - going to do this for all projects once I have them migrated to use MySQL rather than SQLite
Complete Schema section of MySQL for Developers (PlanetScale) #veda
restructure databases chapter #serverlesshandbook
do perspective 1 shared database #tesis
#pn deploy new redis que & mysql database (import old file based database system) for better speed and reliability
split databases into production and development #taggy
Build database analysis #lifeee
resize mysql server serving as leads database #downpayment
switch to mysql #shipstreams
Write the sql query to get the data for the evaluation comparison #modelchimp
switch to shared cluster
work on replicating local #crisp analytics clickhouse into a cluster
Work on replicache integration #dayglow
setup 2minute report google sheets extension to aws mysql lead database; test sql query reporting. #downpayment
set up master-slave db
docker database nightmare