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Done published the v0 of social login for capacitor. In the hope, it becomes the best marketing channel #capgo
preapre blog article about social login plugin for capacitor with intern #capgo
add social login #climberlist
Publish feature demo and code tour videos for the new Twitter and Facebook OAuth feature.
publish new version of the sdk and react #blinkloader
posted social media about new feature #linqmeup
update social media community #fajarsiddiq
Promote New Feature on Social Media #mapmelon
share Carbon directory theme on social media #lexingtonthemes
share Carbon directory theme on social media #lexingtonthemes
add social share component to app #contracting
update client social media #fajarsiddiq
update client social media #fajarsiddiq
share carbon directory theme on social media #lexingtonthemes
update social media #fajarsiddiq
update social media #fajarsiddiq
update social media #fajarsiddiq
update social media #fajarsiddiq
update social media #fajarsiddiq