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astro-frieren-blog-kit is 99% complete. next is to write proper readme/blogpost/tweet, submit to astro themes, etc #astronote
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astro-frieren-blog-kit is now completed! now the hardest part, writing docs... #astronote
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finishing up astro-frieren-blog-kit!🏃‍♂️💨 #astronote
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published a blog post about the astro-frieren-blog-kit… #astronote #leifinlavida
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almost completing the astro-frieren-blog-kit, then the first user can play with it and make adjustments #astronote
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submitted astro-frieren-blog-kit to astro themes! pending approval. #astronote
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tweeted about the astro-frieren-blog-kit… #astronote #leifinlavida
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the base for astro-obsidian-kit is done, and deployed to netlify. only need to make it pwetty #astronote
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completed about 90% of astro-frieren-kit, now down to design rabbithole #astronote
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📝 drafted few blog post ideas and did some more Obsidian customizing
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getting to know obsidian better while building the astro kit #astronote
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recreating obsidian-blog-kit to an anime theme #astronote
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🚜 work on my person blog to make it easier to update with Obsidian
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blog is nearly done #klimy
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🤯 finished porting my blog's markdown files into notion + custom importer notion importer is finished soon #life
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Tiny step closer to shipping the blog. Shared discovery of how to better understand the process by asking to generate JSON code for use in Obsidian:… #rebuildinpublic
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start astro obsidian kit project #astronote
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completed the design of the #astronote portfolio boilerplate. next is to call the NotionAPI for blog/project section(s)
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published new blog post from obsidian… #leifinlavida
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📦 finish to write the importer for my blog, now I need to finish porting old markdown posts into notion pages #life
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