Similar todos
#life Finally receive credit report I filed for
#life Get credit card blocked because I forgot to put money in my account and they couldn't settle the old bill yet
Pay credit card bill #life2
#life Call bank to unblock my credit card because my email service just canceled my subscription because they weren’t able to charge me 3 times
#life Order new credit card at new bank
#life Get new debit card
#life Resubmit form for tax office because I spelled my IBAN wrong and they don't like that
#life Tell insurance that they still have my old bank account from 6 years ago for some reason and they should pls update it
#life Call accountant
#life Spend 3 days figuring out why my card keeps being declined by Simple Analytics
switch credit cards to new accounts #life
#life File form to automate tax payments w/ government
unlock credit card
#life Finally get around to paying every single cent I owe in taxes
go to bank to get my card working
#life Go to bank to get account transfer settled
pay credit card bills