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transcribed 10 German scripts (commercials, sync/film, animation, presentation, promotion) to practice them #stolenvoice
buy german voice #pasfoto
English version of stolenvoice tv 29 is done, now translating ~2.8k words into German #hip
#german places, things on Duolingo
had first day of practicing voiceover daily - voice was a bit „in a bucket“ (in German it makes sense to say it ^^) #stolenvoice
#german revise posession pronouns, questions, nature on duoling, got a level bump on
#german possessive pronouns on Duolingo
#german adjectives on duolingo
#german nominative pronouns ok duolingo
add german translations #cappr
practiced 3 English commercial (TV) scripts #stolenvoice
add german as language #whatscook