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Cave to the absurd requirements of the Shopify app submission review agents, based on lack of knowledge on their part #faqsonmetaobjects
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Resubmit Shopify app for the third time, as the review team is not noticing what we changed #codersfail
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Submitted #testimonialsomo to the Shopify App store #codersfail
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fight with the Apple App Store reviewers team to get my mobile app approved 🤦‍♂️ #wuf
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Submit #faqsonmetaobjects to the Shopify app store
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Got #faqsonmetaobjects approved for the Shopify app store
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Brainstorming the approach for the new Shopify app #validator
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working with shopify app
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Fighting with App Store for approval again #fms
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Bring my Shopify app back to life after stuck in a bug for weeks
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Submit to app store review #checkyourlist
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Re submit Chrome Extension to the Chrome Web store as it was rejected due some not unsed but requested persmissions #ReviewReplyAI
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Reply to App Store review #nomeattoday
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Shopify user research #funmode
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read feedback on Redpen about the Shopify theme and make to-do list for changes
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fix appstore rejection #whatscook
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Finish custom Shopify app for client, after loads of debugging for uncommunicated API constraints #coderswin
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Respond on AppStore reviews #timematorios
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Discussed Shopify app project concept updates with the client and @robreckham internally #codersfail
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Reply to App Store reviews #nomeattoday
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