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Add Subscription for upcoming Dev Profile Service on #fullstackjob
deploy dev server for #client
Read "Full-Stack Development in the Era of Serverless Computing"…
finish first parts of platform to handle productizing development serverice through #sveltelaunch
deploy dev server #ntry
buy new development server for new dev
set up dev deployment pipeline
research a few different medium type clones for articles, blogging etc multi-author support. found a couple Rails open source options as well as a couple node.js and vuejs on codecanyon as possible candidates. need more open source research. rails is preferred. no wordpress!
deploy app to production #consulting
setup dev environment for #mflg
#rockkick deploy dev app for more testing
Research game server hosting options to see if I can get a more developer friendly host for… #dynamicrust
🚀 giving DigitalOcean's new Heroku-like service a try (affiliate link):…
plan beta deployment #consulting
setup auto deploy on digital ocean app framework #clubprofile
Deploy server for a new #magnusbox partner