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Experiment with other langchain features and create custom prompt template #foxquery
Successfully ran a CLI program to pull jobs from HN and store them in my db.
Hash generators + words/char counts #multitool
write email 1 in sequence 1 for HLA #freelance
connect db and write dream journal entries #lucidbot
write questions to db #lucidbot
jb: implement /write
write NoSQL portion of databases chapter (1260 words) #serverlesshandbook
write email 2 in sequence 1 for HLA #freelance
👨💻 build a mini chat bot with langchain
write first simple macro and get it working to xlxswriter #financialtoolbelt
make db entry for login code #lucidbot
write email 3 in sequence 1 for HLA #freelance
writing functions for data fetching from the db. #expatjobs
stream chat response in assistants… #opensource
set up db for nes project #tenantok
read/write listName to db #serverlessreact