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Get a first paid ad (promo) in my Telegram channel #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Reach 300 followers mark on Russian Telegram channel 🥳 #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Reached 250 subscribers on my Russian Telegram channel (yay!) 🎉 #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Stream on YouTube #georgy #firststreaks
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published a post to telegram channel #life
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Publish the last Nights&Weekends update #georgydesign #firststreaks
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new posts on telegram channel
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Tweet about recent Webflow updates (and make full-blown posts in Telegram channels) #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Post first video for an English-speaking audience • #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Meet with friends #georgy #firststreaks
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Work on a site #georgydesign #firststreaks
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post in my Telegram channel #social
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add streak reminders on telegram #wip h/t @AndreyAzimov
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Work on a client project #georgydesign #firststreaks
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