Similar todos
added creators public pages #sponsorgap
added creator page and sponsors page to #sponsorgap
added new creators and sponsors to #sponsorgap
added new sponsors and creators to #sponsorgap
added latest sponsors view on creator page so brands can see the latest brands sponsoring the creator
add creators section for sponsor model
added open ad marketplace to #sponsorgap
added free new datasets to #sponsorgap
added new feature on #sponsorgap Sponsorgap: On the brand profile, you can now see open sponsorships of brands looking to sponsor newsletters or websites
add creators to tool pages #prototypr
started to work on the creator paages - a bit like github sponsors but for newsletter and website creators #sponsorgap
added sponsor pages to #sponsorgap
added #sponsormynewsletter also to sponsorgap dashboard
added new creators to database #sponsorgap
added new creators to database #sponsorgap
added listed ad slots to the creators page and paved affiliate button to get 10% for each booked ad slot on their marketplace #sponsorgap
added community partner page #bestow
add more people to the creators database #financialtoolbelt
added similar sponsor at the bottom of each sponsor page #sponsorgap
create sponsored content page #blog