Similar todos
add stripe errors to payment screen #checkoutpage
fix connecting to stripe from checkout/account #checkoutpage
try debug the problem where sometimes a customer posts a job, then tries to add an extra feature/upsell later, but site can’t charge their card because cards literally just disappear on Stripe, I think this happens because Stripe gets a signal from Visa/MasterCard that a card is removed from system so they remove it too, but that leaves the customer without a card on file and no way to charge #remoteok
fixed payment stripe bug #sportstechjobs
#sheet2site show success/ not success alert after the stripe payment
Repair Stripe issue #mapmelon
fix stripe pay 2nd time bug #noq
make stripe connect payments work #enter
#pn imlement stripe payment system
Retry Stripe requests a few times because they where sometimes failing #simpleanalytics
verify stripe account in recent update #fajarsiddiq
Configure stripe payments #lifesheet