Similar todos
- study balaji requests for mass convert customer po to vendor quotations for verification ✅
- study metabase, forestadmin in terms of how to fit it into my requirements ✅
- spend 1 hr on Django for Excel manuscript ✅
- attend 7 meetings 6/7 ✅
- meditate 47 (30m) ✅
- meditate 49 (30 min) ✅
- work on issue 9 drafts feedback ✅
- write out 1st draft on philosophy for greendeploy ✅
- write out function that generate bulkcreaterequest ✅
- ensure that the frontend submits vendor_id and the customer_quotation_number ✅
- write a separate issue 9 to get published ✅
- gym 91
- delete the squashed migrations ✅
- work on teng how feedback ✅
- delete previous git stash since not going to use them anymore ✅
- reboot server due to memory over 90% ✅
- answer query from joey tay abt flexible filters within app ✅
- edit and publish vlog 6
- go thru visie files and come up with update vlog 1 ✅
- meditate 45 (25m) ✅
- meditate 46 (20m) ✅
- answer catalina questions ✅
- fix the PendingPrandFailedPushTNM bug after delete stash and roll back migrations ✅
- rob fitz 1 hr workshop for ooc ✅
- monthly haircut ✅
- pass on glucosamine ✅
- buy extra pair of sleeves and cap ✅
- test if arm stand works with snowball at home
- gym session 90 ✅
- wrote out the kernel intro for new manuscript ✅
- greendeploy weekly video 3 ✅
- shoot vlog 6:✅
- found 3 bugs while shooting video 3 ✅
- fixed 1/3 bugs found ✅
- meeting with potential upwork contractor abt improve linkedin profile ✅
- restart 4x weekly gym with session 1 ✅
- meditate session 43 (20m) ✅
- meditate session 44 (30m)
- redo the bulkcreatebulkpo in cake-json codebase instead for teng how ✅
- follow up with tenant abt how to automate the utils ✅
- give feedback for writing ✅
- answer Justin abt V taxonomy ✅
- answer upwork freelancer questions ✅
- run 1 end to end with no problem with bulk_create ✅
- 2 meetings ✅
- ensure customer Nanjing team can access the website for upload after a change in the firewall rules ✅
- call with michael lin about engineer-influencer course ✅
- call with jacqueline et al about changes to products ✅
- start an islands and gaps implementation for wbs numbers ✅
- 5/n meetup with santtu ✅ #maintenance
- meditate 53 (30 min)
- deploy latest changes to VQP to test
- edit and publish short via premier pro
- tennis practice ✅
- meeting with robfitz and sean murphy abt ooc
- weekly session with santtu ✅ #maintenance
- first meetup with santtu (+35840 5032392) ✅ #maintenance
#revsys Thursday client work and meetings
📞🎥💬 had client meetings, prep'd tmrws meetings #freelanceproductlead
- meeting with santtu #maintenance
- meeting with customer Ivan, Balaji and Miguel ✅ #enovqp
- meditate 51 (30 min) ✅
- configure cloudflare WAF to better withstand DDoS ✅
- answer diyan questions ✅
- write first draft of documentation on how to up server from scratch ✅
- add new warehouse linkage for VQP ✅
- 22/n meditation session ✅ #maintenance
- meditate session 39 ✅ #enovqp
- 21/n meditation session ✅ #maintenance
meeting with team #fajarsiddiq
meeting with team #fajarsiddiq