Similar todos
Switch to Network.HTTP.Simple for all Github requests so response parsing and error handling works as expected #shipnix
Consider #shipnix docs good enough for now
Struggle with npm build pipeline #shipnix
Simplify build setup and remove lots of bugs in production in the same sweep #shipnix
Open source node/nix breakthrough and tweet about it #shipnix…
Struggle all day with making an IHP starter, but not yet there #shipnix
Have some really nice breakthroughs in setting up a great dev experience for node/npm and Nix #shipnix
Slightly improve provisioning time with easy fix #shipnix
Implement Github OAuth #shipnix
Explore the (too many) options of how to package nodejs in Nix #shipnix
Just work on live-view with vanilla js, wanting to eliminate use of npm #shipnix
Work on serving built packages from stage to production to shorten rebuild time #shipnix
Work with nodejs template #shipnix
Work on a node.js dev environment #shipnix
Get IHP to deploy without any monkey patching #shipnix
Rewrite UI for server deployment with HTMX/HyperScript #shipnix
Inspect code from other Nix flakes for researching how to make good dev environments #shipnix #
Write docs for having faster-than-light builds in production with compiled code #shipnix
Provision a static site server from end to end via the web dashboard #shipnix
Speed up builds with IHP #shipnix