Similar todos
Fix UI issues on "Add github repo" view #shipnix
Complete the UI flow for shipnixifying a non-ship-nix project, leaving the actual form submission to tomorrow #shipnix
Work on using Github API for fetching all repositories to search over #shipnix
Greatly improve flow for uploading provisioned server code to a git repo, splitting it up in simple steps #shipnix
95% fix the Github create server flow. Feels like I'm doing heavy plumbing in a giant skyscraper, but soon it will be all good #shipnix
Implement Github OAuth #shipnix
Successfully create a github repo and load code into version control while server is provisioning #shipnix
Successfully create github repo and push server code to it via #shipnix dashboard
Fix Github OAuth in production #shipnix
Make dedicated Github organization for #shipnix and connect github oauth also through this org
Set up preliminary view for creating and pushing server configuration to Github repo #shipnix
Patch a bunch of minor issues up and work on the migration flow starter so I can publish it tomorrow #shipnix
Get Github API integration to work successfully with user tokens #shipnix
Fetch all Github repos from user authenticated with Github, and also realize how many abandoned repos I have #shipnix
Narrow Github scoping on Github OAuth login since several people pointed it out #shipnix
Work on automating process of making a project #shipnix compatible, just lacking small adjustments for it to work perfectly
Fix git script #ship-nix
Done implementing "Push to deploy" and deploy webhooks #shipnix
work on adding github #shipr