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Fix adding server config to an empty repo for version control #shipnix
Work on writing #shipnix into official IHP docs
Create a documentation site and start writing product documentation #shipnix
Get code working again after again after messing a bit up to accomodate more advanced use-cases #shipnix
work on docs for shipr #shipr
Publish docs on how to migrate from IHP cloud to #shipnix
Generate ssh keys for each user so the service can access the provisioned server #shipnix
Write "Push to deploy" docs. So boring #shipnix
Make sure #shipnix is still usable for non-github users and that relevant views print correctly
Slightly improve provisioning time with easy fix #shipnix
Successfully deploy a test instance of ship-nix #shipnix
Make dedicated Github organization for #shipnix and connect github oauth also through this org
Successfully run a command through ssh through Haskell via the web dashboard #shipnix
Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
Fix bugs from breaking change and test thoroughly to confirm it's stable again #shipnix
Sharing servers with other users now fully functional #shipnix
Write docs for having faster-than-light builds in production with compiled code #shipnix
Run script getting git log to json directly via ssh instead of depending on a locally installed script #shipnix
Publish deploy speedup docs and tweet about it #shipnix