Similar todos
start getting selectors in a diff way #cssscan
fix not copying big selector #cssscan
smartly generate selectors #cssscan
complete css selectors section 7 #learning
try to block original dom elements #lockmysite
try to block original dom elements #lockmysite
enable searching in active selectors #devsync
Fixed documentation (#screenshotone) on… error_on_selector_found was mentioned as true by default, however it has false as default value.
figure out how to detect selectors vs rules #sweetsour
Improved rendering by selector for #screenshotone.
If the DOM has been changed and the selector is not found, I try to search for it again.
It helped to resolve an issue for one of the customers.
Fix Tailwind selectors #cssscan
change word "selector" to "class names" #cssscan
fix comma splitting selectors #csspro
try to search using css selectors
CSS refactoring #cleanshot
Improved error handling for screenshots by selectors (#screenshotone)—returning an error when an element is found, but has zero height.
And updated the documentation 👉…
#csspro demo: dont let select element if still loading styles
Disallow invalid or empty annotations #movie
remove unused css #nachobase