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Ask for feedback, posted "Is a State of Developers survey helpful or waste of time?" on Indiehackers. #stateofdevs…
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✏️🗣UX Research for #WomenMakeChallenge
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#womenmake publish (and launch) page listing projects from the challenge…
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Ship "Should You Make It?" to help makers with 24hr startup challenge. #blurt
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Get on the streak leaderboard ✅ 😂 OK this is not a product-todo so it's time to keep shipping today's items but... WIP community has been ❤️ for the past week, and it SO GOOD a forcing function to get 1% better everyday or my version of it: ship one thing to customers everyday.
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setup survey on ph ship and email subscribers asking for feedback #weapply
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created survey to identify skill gaps in developers applying to their first coding job
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Post vacation polls on Indie Hackers and LinkedIn #jovial
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get #dailyhustle finished in time 😅*Just f*ing ship it in 30 days*…
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created survey questions for developers #pbn
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Get lots of user feedback #shipnix
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Finish up my giant Twitter thread about putting ship-nix to the test by shipping an auto prioritizing roadmap on in under 24 hours. Looks like some found it interesting 👍 #shipnix
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🎂 It's my Birthday! ✏️ Ask developers; will you take my survey on devs’ burnout? #stateofdevs
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create survey for Product Hunt Global Hackathon: Deliverable #3 #producthunthackathon
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Catching up on a couple of days effort in the 30 Day Indie Hacker Challenge 🚀
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draft a blog post about 2018 projects and the app development challenge.
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Build survey Deliverable #3 for Product Hunt hackathon
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published women in tech #jesswallace
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Women in tech mastermind session #lifeee
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🔥🔥🔥 COMPLETED 1 Github commit a day till end 2023 challenge #indiejourney #listskit #psisg
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