Similar todos
Change "Showcase" to "Discover websites" and add icons for the filters - featured, new, popular, for sales, etc #highscoredomains
Keep "Discover websites" as homepage #highscoredomains
tweet about "Showcase" being changed to "Discover websites" and why:… #highscoredomains
#sheet2site add showcase page with all cool sites that were made by people
#sheet2site Showcases list of websites made with Sheet2Site
Change "Showcase" to "Domains" in nav and "PRO" to "Get Featured" #highscoredomains
Rename "Fancy" to "Websites" and show on home page #highscoredomains
Web app view for featured "Shop of the week"
homepage search #prototypr
Video showcase on homepage #melies
#sheet2site showcase page has a page for each category like:…,…,… and so on
track visits on the featured websites #highscoredomains
display a few top stories instead of overview selection on the home page #threader
add "featured in" section on landing page #cssscan
featured categories on homepage
hide basic help after visiting the site for first time, show link instead #topcallers
show websites randomly above leaderboard instead of the timeslots #highscoredomains
started building listing panel in Discover tab of social layer #skillmap