Similar todos
Generate strategy for Co-founder matching pilot
Schedule meeting for co-founder matching #podvine
Submit Y Combinator co-founder match making
generate 10-15 curated 1:1 match suggestions for 170 climate tech movers & shakers. brain is fried from parsing industry-related tags 🏷 (like 5 for carbon alone!!) #uhpcollective
Generate 2572 curated 1:1 match suggestions for climate tech professionals. Write clear notes on how to improve process so I never have to manually do this again 😂 #eduresearch
create a list of founders to reach out to #talentshare
#givewithella connect with a founder with a similar vision about a possible collab
Schedule meeting with potential co-founder #jonga
Brainstormed onboarding ideas for #nichewit with @pimbaljon and tidying up the leads database
2 jam sessions today on match-making for founders, designers, investors, etc
Arranged meetings with potential co-founders
Work session with cofounder to generate insights from categorized interview fragments #clanlatam #clanlatamdb
Brainstorm more on founder's vision #jovial
Brainstorm with mentor #clanlatamdb
Curated 8-25 match 1:1 suggestions for community builders
Talk to potential co-founder about searching for B2B problems as I apparently am not good at finding them myself #life
resubmit cofounder matching #fajarsiddiq
Search through YC cofounder matching #downpayment bookmarked 3