Similar todos
Use ios15 SwiftUI list APIs to be able to style regular list{} to replace custom coded version #checkyourlist
Completed list view iOS app
Switch to using ios Lists rather then own implementation for items view for iOS16 #checkyourlist
#checkyourlist Have watchOS use default list styles
redesign add item view and implement in swiftui #checkyourlist
learn basic swift to render a list - name based
Create Progrs Details view - based on List from SwiftUI #progrs
Look into if Apple has fixed scrollTo bug with List() in iOS16 swiftUi #checkyourlist
Hit limitations of SwiftUI list too many times, drop down to UIKit UITableView #checkyourlist
List view in app
Remove custom drag and drop code and move toward SwiftUI List for items view #checkyourlist
watch bunch of tutorials on data management in swiftui
Test new List features in iOS16
Split out view data code into a viewModel for checklists, so I can create Nestable swiftUI lists by merging Groups and Checklists #checkyourlist
#allplay create SwipeView for list items
Make checklist view for watchOS app #checkyourlist
#butterdeck ui) list view
learn how to properly manage state in swiftui