Similar todos
Make progress on handling DOM Nodes with multiple Nodes inside them including Non textNodes as this is common and contenteditable inserts <br> tags
improve editor by allowing it to select text nodes when the tag has other nested tags #kerni
Prevent: User can double click the whole text and delete it in a contenteditable, including inner DOM elements, preventing diff of DOM nodes. #codebird
Implement updates to node editor
finally complete rewrite to support text HTMLElements containing multiple textNodes and other HTMLElements with textNodes #codebird
Shipped this cute flow of deleting text nodes for #copycopter
Maintain linebreaks when merging text #nekolo
decide to switch to designMode="on" rather than contenteditable="true" as it works on non element textNodes #codebird
Bug: Merge/Split text in FastAdd causes duplicates of the same field #nekolo
Prevent selection of an entire DOM node as contenteditable would allow the user to delete it and I can't support that yet #codebird
use additional tag to make wrap text node and make it editable #kerni
allow multiline text in pageedit #checkoutpage
Implement node editor that is connected to an LLM #edgar
merge 2 text sections when backspace pressed #otter
Fix selection bug for node editor #edgar
enhance text editor #thundercontent
Update types of nodes for the editor #edgar
Component live update with contenteditable #createpin