Similar todos
scrape 5 of 9 target fb groups on mac app texau. Pull profiles for 500 from one of these prospect lists. #downpayment
Scrape and block all US governors #mutepolitics
working on some scraping for data analysis #linkhandy
initial cold email list; scrape from lists and group; 50 email per day
✅ wrote a scraper to pull in CFP data #conf
process & onboard backlog of schools that I hadn't gotten to, manually filtering spam applications #mused
some data scraping and analysis #life
add a manual bulkadd states endpoint
do some scrapping #honesttribe
working on some a few scrapers for pulling in data vs. just using sheets #daysuntillatenight
Automate data collection #ctr
pulled in a new csv scraper data for #daysuntillatenight
get us state and counties data, clean it up and upload it with pandas #sod
clean up more emails, catch up on cleaning 40k records
Got pagination and scraping for all regions done #jobsinenglish