Similar todos
Implement deliveries table to keep track of issue deliveries and their status #newsletty
Update deliveries table to keep better track of sending status (accepted, delivered, spam report, hard bounce) #newsletty
Write tests for the distributor scheduler worker #newsletty
tested delivery from email #wi
Run second test of email system to make sure scheduling is correct
send delivery #fajarsiddiq
message buyers with delivery update #valenciana
testing new queues and tests updates #optimizetoolset
go through data from automated delivery on #tw
Write acceptance tests for queue app with test running from endpoint to database entries #simpleanalytics
write tests for invite requests #nachobase
Test emails #pradinukams
write tests for 'expected sales' #weroster
write test for provider availability creation - conflict
- write unit test to make sure cancel willl generate 2 emails for those with PO number ✅ #enpvqp
Finish payment tests #remoteindex
check if guest orders have customers early on #klarnacraft
deliver #vagif to production