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call with other potential designer #serverlesshandbook
find 2 designers willing to do the thing #serverlesshandbook
try to design illustration #articleaudio
talk to some designers about redesign #echothread
send designer to do design #fajarsiddiq
reach out to 2 cover designers on Fiverr #seniormindset
design partners page #clouddesign
reach out to a few designers to review portfolio before applying
talk to designer #echothread
talk to designer #fajarsiddiq
hire designers
design newsletter artwork 1 day late #sunday
Meeting with the designer #clanlatamdb
schedule calls with 2 designers
- follow up with illustrator found on upwork #greendeploy
write an interview offer for designers #meerkad
vet through graphic designer candidates on upwork #idinabride
Design and graphics #circles
Work on product illustrations