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don't store/pipe intermediate actions for effects that immediately result in another effect (AddTrailingStopEffect -> AddTriggerEffect, etc) #kornwolf
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don't pipe actions from copy/follow positions (to avoid recursion circus) #kornwolf
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Checkpoint order bug #resultjam
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implement optional fillTimeout for all (scatter/ladder/...) orders: cancel pending limit suborders and create market order for remaining size #rush
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pipe 'clear triggers' effect to followers (odd egg: doesn't produce new trigger) #kornwolf
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don't let copy when there's no style to copy #cssscan
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only copy position adjustments when leader opens (no late starts) #kornwolf
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fix trigger firing / order cancellation bug #kornwolf
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reduce simulated order fill time #kornwolf
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record parent order for copied orders in copy position #kornwolf
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allow users to copy specific positions (without following leader on their next calls) #kornwolf
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close 1 order #fajarsiddiq
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dont let user delete last 2 gradient color stops #csspro
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fix overflow transition bug
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rework event downstream for copy positions (user might not follow leader -> aka broadcast by position ID) #kornwolf
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force close position when trigger execution requires impossible order creation (rather than retrying forever) #kornwolf
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Undo copy on #urled after 2 seconds
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almost get enter/exit transition example working #reactd32018
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improve copy when switching from planning mode to normal #wtmns
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fill up buffer #forza
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