Similar todos
Prepared weekly goal insight prototype for watchOS #progrs
Added this week activity rings insight, native views on watchOS and iOS
Added horizontal scrollable day view for watchOS #progrs
Optimized presentation of activity rings insight on watchOS #progrs
Make checklist view for watchOS app #checkyourlist
Finished week goal insight prototype for iOS #progrs
Fix sort issues on WatchOS verison #checkyourlist
Research apple watch capabilities
Added habit tracking, new complication for Apple Watch, internal improvements #progrs
Make usable review screen on watchOS and iOS using SwiftUI #progrs
Came up with idea for algorithm for rating your day on overview screen #progrs
Start Apple Watch Extension development
code on watchos for first time #rewardsflights
watch… to figure how to debug #dailyvibes
Make watchOS and iOS app use majority of the same codebase #checkyourlist
Finished making permission request screen for HealthKit data, started new Progrs summary screen #progrs
#checkyourlist Have watchOS use default list styles
Added welcome view on first screen for iOS and watchOS #progrs
make apple watch ui better. #coderunnerpro
Fix some bugs that preventing iOS app and watchOS app being in sync #checkyourlist